Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Affirms FR’s $14.3 Million Judgment in Ceimo v. General American Life Ins. Co., Paul Revere Life Ins. Co. and Provident Life Ins. Co.
San Francisco, CA
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court decision today in the matter involving a Phoenix cardiologist whose disability benefits were terminated in bad faith by her insurer. The jury’s original verdict of $84.4 million in April of 2003 was the 7th largest jury verdict in the United States that year and largest ever verdict faced by Paul Revere or its parent UnumProvident. The Ceimo verdict was reduced post-trial by the trial court to $14.3 million with the court adding over $600k in attorney fees and costs. Today’s decision, rejecting the insurance company’s arguments, lets the district court’s determination stand in all respects. To see a copy of the 9th Circuit’s summary opinion, click here.